Creative Club of São Paulo Festival
We’ve all heard that popular expression about creativity. You know, the one that goes “it’s 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration”. What nobody tells you is that, at least in the advertising world, there’s a third ingredient that makes up a huge part of that mix: anger. Pure, seething anger.Anger is what all creatives feel as they labor over an idea and a co-worker comes along to deal out unrequested, usually dismissive, opinions; or when a superior brings bad news about the project or presents you with some insane demand. It’s an unavoidable part of the job, unfortunately, but it’s possible to channel it into that extra drive to create the perfect piece – one that might in turn make other creatives feel angry for not coming up with that idea first. This feeling is the motif behind this spot I directed for the 2019 Creative Club of São Paulo Festival. It starts with just an ordinary person’s head on a dark background, but then the VO launches a barrage of phrases that are dreaded by everyone in the industry, such as “it’s been done”; “cut the copy by 50%”, “client called yesterday and cancelled it”; and many more. Each of those verbal blows causes the head to distort, twist and warp in the craziest ways, representing the surges of rage the creative feels upon hearing them. This series of mutations were created using a wide variety of techniques, from hyperreal CG to traditional 2D animation to point cloud simulations and so on, involving a large group of artists that contributed their singular talents to bring forth a chaotic, disturbing and thoroughly exhilarating visual experience.